Monday, November 03, 2008

Prizes for Surveys

Alot of my clan has asked me how I get Starbux gift cards and gifts in the mail. Surveys.  Simple. Time eating. Surveys. 

Carmie watches TV and I cruise the net. But I do dig on getting stuff delivered. This week I got a nice Suitcase. I had earned one for Carm a year or so ago and have wanted one for myself. When checking into one of my survey sites, I realized I had enough points for the bag. I ordered it and it was at my doorstep in 4 days. Hah, Much faster than my Woot orders!

Currently I get somewhere between 1 and 2 dozen magazines a month, usually at least one home trial of a product per month, usually food or personal care items, and one or two freebies per week from many different sources. This week, it was Carmex lip balms and a Venus razor.

My cash and Gift certificate earnings average 30 dollars a month. Not alot, but I usually roll them over into Amazon credit when available and use them for my Christmas Shopping.


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